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The Asia Research Institute (ARI) was established as a university-level institute in July 2001 as one of the strategic initiatives of the National University of Singapore (NUS). It aims to provide a world-class focus and resource for research on the Asian region, located at one of its communication hubs. ARI engages the social sciences broadly defined, and especially interdisciplinary frontiers between and beyond disciplines.

One of ARI’s aims is to foster research on Southeast Asia, in particular by scholars from the region. To this end, it conducts the Asian Research Scholars programme, bringing about 25 such graduate students to Singapore each year for a month and a half period of research, mentoring and participation in an academic writing workshop. Towards the end of this period, we hold the Asian Graduate Forum.

The 9th Asian Graduate Forum is one of ARI's flagship events, a three-day workshop for graduate students who work on Southeast Asia. Held toward the end of the Asian Research Scholars Programme 2014, the Forum provides a platform for postgraduate students who are at an advanced stage to present their work, and also to communicate and interact, as they mature into the next generation of academic leaders.

The participants include ARI's Asian scholars, as well as graduate students from Singapore and other parts of the world. The unifying factor is that the research is on Southeast Asia, although the sessions are organised thematically around issues in Asian dynamics of religion, politics, economy, gender, culture, language, migration, urbanism, science and technology, population and social change, etc. In addition to student presentations, three experts of the region share their insights on challenges and issues facing contemporary social science scholarship in Southeast Asia.


Graduate students should submit a 300-400 words abstract of their proposed paper using the attached form to Mr Jonathan Lee at no later than 28 February 2014. Click here for the Application Form.

The abstract should clarify the substantive issues which your paper will address and be firmly grounded in your own research project. Please include information on objectives, methods, and findings, as well as explain the original contribution the research makes to the field of study.

One confidential letter of recommendation from a supervisor should also be forwarded along with your form by the same date. Successful applicants will be notified by 14 March 2014. Those selected will have to submit full-length papers, of around 4,000-5,000 words in length, by
12 May 2014.
Dr Michelle MILLER, Asia Research Institute, NUS (Chair)
, Asia Research Institute, NUS
Dr Kumiko KAWASHIMA, Asia Research Institute, NUS
Dr Maria Wendy PLATT, Asia Research Institute, NUS
Dr Nausheen ANWAR, Asia Research Institute, NUS
A/P Titima SUTHIWAN, Centre for Language Studies, NUS
Dr Shawna TANG, Asia Research Institute, NUS
Dr ZHANG Juan, Asia Research Institute, NUS
Mr Jonathan LEE
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Level 10 Tower Block, 469A Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
Tel: (65) 6516 4224
Fax: (65) 6779 1428
Contact Person: Mr LEE Ming Yao, Jonathan


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