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AICIS 2013: Call for Paper

The Conference Committee invites submission of papers on the following themes:
 Major Theme
Distinctive Paradigm of Indonesian Islamic Studies:  Towards Renaissance of Islamic Civilization
Sub Theme
·         Religion and Science: Integration through Islamic Studies
·         Islamic Education: Predicaments and Promises
·         Islamic Law : From ‘Illah to Maqasid
·         Islamic Economics: Balancing Prosperity and  Social Justice
·         Islamic Politics : Lessons Learned from Indonesia and Arab Spring
·         The Heritage of Islamic History for Civilization
·         The Legacy of Islamic Thought: Contribution for the Future
·         Islamic Tourism: Catering Religious Enthusiasm of Rising Middle Class

Paper Submission Procedure
·         Paper  should be in 20 pages, A4 Size paper, New Times Roman 12, 1,5 spaced.  It should include a title, a 350-word abstract and a 100-word biography
·         Include a title of the paper, names of all authors, affiliated institutions, position and email addresses or contact information.
·         All papers submitted must be original works which have not been presented in any conference (AICIS)  or published in any publication before.
·         All  papers selected will receive a confirmation from the organizers via email and subsequently the submission of paper will be requested preferably in Bahasa, Arabic or English.
  • Submit by email attachment to . Specify "AICIS2013.  paper proposal submission" as the subject heading. Specify the name of the author as the tittle of file attachment. for ex : hamdy_Halid
·         Deadline of accepted paper submission16 September 2013
·         Notification of acceptance: 30 September 2013
Selection Criteria
  • Among the most important selection criteria are relevancy to the conference themes, innovative aspects, originality, clarity, and timeliness.
Responsibilities of Authors
  • Register for and attend the Conference.
  • Present the paper in about 20 minutes.
  • Assign first publication rights to the Conference Organizers, as all papers will be published in the Conference proceedings
  • Provide completed papers in electronic version by the deadline.
For further information, please contact
·         Mr. Dr. Masnun, MA. Ph. +6281804044454
·         Mr. Dr. M. Zain, MA. Ph. +6281510989471
Or email at
We look forward to receiving your paper submission and seeing you at the Conference.



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