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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2014

Layanan Bimbingan Akademik

Assalamu'alaikum wr.wb. Diberitahukan kepada seluruh mahasiswa di bawah bimbingan saya (Sukron Ma'mun, M.Si). Bimbingan Akademik dilaksanakan pada hari Senin-Rabu 24-26 Februari 2014 mulai pukul 08.00-11.00 di kampus I STAIN Salatiga Ruang UPK (Gedung E lat. 2). Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan: Harap membawa Kartu Rencana Studi yang sudah ditempel foto 3 X 4 dua lembar. Menfotocopy KRS yang sudah ditandatangi. Mengisi daftar hadir yang disediakan. Mahasiswa diperkenankan dan dianjurkan menyampaikan hal-hal yang terkait dengan kegiatan akademik yang sudah berlangsung dan yang akan dihadapi. Demikian harap diperhatikan. Dosen Pembimbing Akademik, Sukron Ma'mun

PhD opportunities at the University of Münster, Germany

Up to five PhD opportunities available in the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics” at the University of Münster, Germany An exciting opportunity exists for potential PhD students to fill up to five positions by October 1, 2014 in the Graduate School within the interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics in Pre-Modern and Modern Cultures” at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster – University of Münster, Germany. The Cluster involves a large number of academics from the areas of History, Catholic and Protestant Theology, Jurisprudence, Islamic Studies, Islamic Theology, Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Philology, Ethnology, Egyptology, Political Science, and the Sociology of Religion. Projects in the Cluster of Excellence are grouped around four themes: Normativity, Mediality, Integration, and Violence. Further information about the research areas of the Cluster of Excellence can be found at: